Archive for September, 2020

Feast of Trumpets and the Sound of the Trump!

September 18, 2020

Every current topic seems to be linked somehow to our opinions of the President of the United States. This seems to cloud the discussion on virtually anything – and yet these are significant times and amazing things are happening amongst us. Many might feel that there is so much to be alarmed and worried about, but I am seeing numerous reasons to be optimistic. You might not see it this way right now – but bear with me:

Reader warning: This article contains numerous uses of the word ‘trump’ in various meanings!

As we enter the Jewish Feast of Trumpets we really should think about the significance of the word ‘trump’! It happens that this particular Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah, follows historic recognition of the nation state of Israel by the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Several other Arab nations are indicating that they will follow. Whatever anyone thinks of the politics, this is momentous, and in itself is a trumpet sound to the world that things are changing. The implications of Arab nations recognising the State of Israel are enormous! On its own, this signals an important milestone in history.

I think the trumpets are sounding for much more than political movement in the Middle East….

We are at an astonishing moment in history in which so much is at stake, and at the same time the opportunities are huge. Some of the reasons that I feel encouraged:

I observe that secularism and atheism are tottering or maybe collapsing. projects that the percentage of people of faith perspective is increasing globally.  This is great for evangelism. The world is looking for authentic spiritual answers: Let our trumpet sound a clear signal!

Covid-19 is forcing us to rediscover the purpose of church; the whole Zoom season has challenged us. Not meeting in a building has not stopped us knowing God. The Coronavirus has sounded a trumpet calling for a Sabbath rest and a thorough review. The fear of Covid-19 has revived awareness of our mortality and caused people to ask, ‘where is God?’ –which is a great first question!

Consumerism is in danger as people, businesses, and communities rethink priorities. We see profound changes taking shape as investors start to influence the purpose of whole industries. There are abundant opportunities for Kingdom of God motivated people to start and lead businesses. This is worth trumpeting!

Those who preach prosperity solely in worldly terms are becoming exposed as financial systems crumble. God is shaking the economies of the world. I think a warning trumpet is sounding for greedy supply chains, currencies, and global debt. We are at a moment of huuuge change in the world! Sound the trumpet!

Everywhere there is crushing disappointment with political saviours; Long standing definitions of ‘left’ and ‘right’ politics have disintegrated. As someone who has run for Parliament, I have experienced unchristian attitudes when party politics trumps Christian love and understanding. People are starting to challenge the past norms, and the call for something better is rising.

We are in the post-Facebook era! I hear of young people holding online prayer events and shared times of ‘listening to God’. Increasingly, people young and old, are searching for real fellowship.

Everyone is revisiting the question of unity. All generations, all races, all denominations. The trumpet is sounding for us to come together!

Post-Brexit the trumpet calls us to be peacemakers : much division in the church was because many opinions about Leave or Remain seemed to be based on a spiritual ‘trump card’. We must see this as a failure and pray and work together as the people of God. The Bible says that we have ‘this ministry of reconciliation.’

So, what of Trump?

In 2016 I felt that Donald Trump even talking about joining the race for President of the USA was a sign for us: the sounding of a trumpet! A signal; An alarm; a notification from the spirit realm.

We are now truly watching the changing of an era. For me it is not so much about one controversial man – but that a seismic change is taking place in the whole world. This is our moment to step forward as we hear the trumpet. Be alert, attentive, open to the changes and expect very significant new dynamics in global politics and in our lives.

The trumpet sound – the ram’s horn or shofar – was sounded in Bible times for three reasons: To sound an alarm, to gather the people, to signal the advance. The season that is beginning now requires us to recognise the time we are in and to choose to rise to the occasion!